5 Tips For Making Money With Your Blog

When first gaining popularity, blogs were basically an online journal or diary. In internet speak, they were known as a WebLog or Blog. However, in the last several years blogs have totally transformed to fit a whole range of needs, from a place to house an online newspaper to a simple way to start an Internet stream of income. No matter how you are using your blog or for whom its content is intended these five methods will help you make money from your blog.

1.    Affiliate Marketing

This  is one of the easiest ways to make money from your blog. Affiliate accounts are super simple to start and they won’t cost you a penny. You can go about this in a few ways. One is to sign up with an affiliate network, like Linkshare  select an affiliate program(s) and post the links/banners in the sidebar/header/footer of your site. You can also post a review about the product/service with which you have the affiliate agreement. Affiliate marketing is simple to implement and helps you gain credibility when you choose a product or service with a good reputation.

2.    Google Adsense

Google Adsense ads will display in the sidebar and other areas of your website just like the affiliate links/banners. Anytime a visitor clicks on one of these links, you will get paid anywhere from a few cents to a few dollars depending on your niche. These ads don’t appear within the body of your post, but they are based on the content of your posts so they will be attractive to your audience.

3.    Sell Y0ur Own Product

Do you have a gadget, how-to video, white paper, or some other type of product? Add it to your blog for another stream of income. Advertising your own product on your blog is a smart idea. Your readers have already built a level of trust with you so they’ll be likely to be interested in your product. You can link to your product’s sales page directly from your posts, create a products page with a link in the menu at the top of your website, and display graphic ads in the sidebars of your blog.

4.    Contextual Advertising

Contextual advertising, such as that offered through Text Links, will help you make money from your blog without much effort on your part. When you sign up with Text Links or a similar service, your blog posts will automatically have keywords hyper-linked which link to an advertiser’s website. This type of advertising is different from  affiliate advertising. Instead of getting only a commission where you rely on whether or not your visitor buys from the advertiser’s site with contectual ads you get paid every time a link is clicked

5.    Get paid for reviews

If you have developed a good level of trust with your readers and you can prove you have traffic coming to your blog, you can be paid to post reviews. There are plenty of ways this can be done and almost limitless opportunity for products to review. You simply find a product or service you would like to review then contact the company and write them an e-mail letting them know that you would like to write a review on your site. You’ll generally be paid a flat rate for your review. Moreover, if you are an expert in a field outside of the scope of your website or blog you can review products on review websites like Epinions.com. Just be sure the product or service you review is relevant to your niche. This will help you gain credibility with your readers.

These are just a few of the multitude of opportunities you have to create streams of income from your blog that will make you money even while you sleep.


Contact Mobloggy today for all your website, social media, branding, and design needs. We do this ALL DAY.  Let us know how we can help you.  rebecca@mobloggy.com
