Facebook Privacy

Facebook Privacy Update

Facebook’s latest update to privacy settings allow you to be as private as you want! Just follow our tips.

Privacy Shortcuts. 

The biggest change is the addition of a new privacy ‘shortcut’ menu at the top of the site. This menu gives you the option to set who can see your activity and who can contact you!  In fact you can tell Facebook to not include your timeline in searches!


Can I limit access to my Wall?

There’s been some confusion about whether you can still limit access to Wall posts from friends and applications. The answer is yes. Just as before, you have complete control over who has access to posts your friends have made through the “Posts by Friends” setting under “Profile Information” on the Privacy Settings page. For example, if you choose Friends , only your friend will be able to see posts others have made on your Wall.  You can create a custom list and share only with just this list and no others!  Your wall will be shared with who you select it to be!

Who Can see my Stuff:

As you can see the privacy settings  allows you to control  “who can see my stuff?” and “who can look me up”, these options are where you can be as private as you’d like!

If you click the first of those options, the menu item will drop down a list to show you where you’re photos and other information are shared.

Click this and double check it looks as you would expect it to. If not, click through to “see more settings” and chance your privacy options.

Likewise, do this for “who can look me up” too – check it looks like you imagined, and if not make some changes.  The best part is the Search Control You can control who can find you in search!  Under Privacy you can select NOT to  have search engines link to your timeline.

Revamped Activity Log

Facebook launched the Activity Log about a year ago to help users track their history on the site and make changes. The updated Activity Log now makes it easy to filter content based on when it was posted, and who can see it and remove it!

For instance, until now on Facebook hiding a bad photo of yourself on your timeline didn’t necessarily mean that you were also untagged. The result was that the picture was still out there for people to see because it was tagged with your name. Now you can remove that tag and others!

If you go to your activity log, you can now set up a filter to show “invisible” photos, in which you’re tagged but that aren’t showing up in your feed. You don’t even need to untag them individually – you can untag many photos at once based on the filters you choose, which means it should be easy to get rid of those compromising shots.

You can also use “Request and Removal” to ask your friends to take down the pictures, which Facebook says has a very high success rate.

Other filters can highlight photos in which you’re tagged, or posts you’ve liked, based on time periods – bye bye to the that embarrassing moment you’d like to forget!

For the moment we can enjoy Facebook! It seems, this time around Facebook has made it simpler to control privacy and provided users the ability to be private!
