Geofencing Administrators, Part 2

As discussed on our previous blog, Mobloggy now offers Geofencing. Our geofencing administrators can utilize this tool in many ways to engage with potential customers near your specified location. Why you should take advantage of this new location-based service that Mobloggy now offers?

Here are 6 great reasons.

  1. Increase engagement. Engage with local shoppers by sending a message to their smartphone once they enter your defined geographical area. Promote your business, engage, remind them you are there.

    “By providing memorable social media customer service, companies not only create deeper connections with consumers, but they glean valuable insights on how to improve their products or services” -Amy Jo Martin

  2. Get a deal out to locals. Knowing that customers are nearby allows businesses to tailor offers based on local events or holidays. For example, a flower shop deployed targeted ads for 15% off bouquets a few days leading up to Mother’s Day. The ad pushed traffic to their location by displaying a click-through map that opened to show exact location and how to get to their store.
  3. Partnerships are smart. With Geofencing, our administrators can set up offers or suggested pairings for complimentary products or services. For example, a flower shop can geofence an area around a bakery. So, when a customer walks into the bakery to get cupcakes for Mother’s Day, a notification pops up that there is a flower shop right around the corner. They may want to pick up flowers to go with the cupcakes for Mom. Suggestive advertising at it’s best. More on partnerships and influencer marketing.

    “Figure out what situation [customers] are in and attack that context,” -Shah, 1-800-Flowers.

  4. It adds depth to analytics. Our Geofencing administrators can see whether targeted offers actually bring people into stores and result in more sales by analyzing the analytics. Use data to determine and understand behaviors of your target customer. Metrics include how often a customer visits the store, how long they shop, and how well a window display works.
  5. Make your customers feel rewarded. Once our Geofencing administrators know where customers are and how they behave, we can not only customize offers but also give them rewards and a personalized experience. One key tip to note with rewards is to offer value to the exchange vs intruding on the customer’s personal information.
  6. Steer customers away from competitors. Leverage your location by sending targeted offers to customers. If your customer pulls into a parking lot to buy flowers and they receive a coupon from your location, they are likely to purchase your flowers with a discount vs the competitors.

Are our affordable Geofencing services right for you? Find out. 

