It’s Just a Red Cup

We just recently wrote a blog about the challenges of Marketing to the Millennial generation. With 78% of the nearly 79 million people in this generation stating that they prefer to pay for experiences instead of things. When you market products and services creating the perceived experience is no easy feat.

Not long after we made the blog live the Starbucks Red Cup was released. I’ll admit when I saw their explanation in Fortune Magazine
The company said that it took a “cue from customers who have been doodling designs on cups for years”—Starbucks started its holiday cup tradition in 1997—so “this year’s design is another way Starbucks is inviting customers to create their own stories with a red cup that mimics a blank canvas.” 

I thought it was exactly the type of marketing that we’ve been discussing around our office. Engaging customers to create their own experiences and stories through the use of their product, awesome work guys.

Oops! Who knew that it could create such a brouhaha?

All I’ve been able to think about since the controversy hit is what a boon it’s been for them. Think of all the free advertising? Also, part of the backlash has included people encouraging others to go in and buy coffee and have the Barista write “Merry Christmas” on the cup instead of their name. I’m not alone in thinking this.

Mission accomplished Marketing Team you got people through the doors and buying your product who probably would never have done so before the red cup made it’s debut!

When it comes to Marketing everyone is thinking, the holidays are coming it’s the biggest revenue generator of the year how do we make it better? Sometimes a cup is just a cup, but in this case Starbuck’s “experience” cup indeed runneth over.

Well played Starbucks, well played.
