Making Fewer HTTP Requests

Making Fewer HTTP Requests

When browsing the Internet, do you want to know what is happening in the background? If the answer is no, don’t worry. you’re not alone. Most marketers, even large marketers, did not disclose “technical details.”

Website performance is something IT professionals need to worry about, right?

No, unfortunately, if your website is slow or clumsy, it will directly affect the user experience. Your website will take more than 3 seconds to load. With this in mind, it is important to know how to fix a slow website and speed up page load time before losing potential customers.

One way is to reduce the number of HTTP requests to the website. Although HTTP request sounds like the real technical term best suited for engineers and IT professionals, don’t worry, any good salesperson can understand this. Understand how these queries work and how to use this knowledge to improve website performance.

What is an HTTP Request?

Before starting, it is very important to understand what an HTTP request is. HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. “Think of HTTP as the language used by browsers and web servers to communicate with each other. (Thank you very much) we don’t have to go through all the complexity of the web code to understand how HTTP affects load time. This is a breakdown of the steps.

The main marketers are Learn how my agency drives a lot of traffic to your website. SEO-Unblock a lot of SEO traffic. View actual results. Content Marketing-Our team can create great content that is shared, linked and controlled by traffic. Payment method: An effective payment strategy with a clear ROI. On your website, the browser sends a “request” to your server. This is called an HTTP request.

Your server will recognize the response and start rendering the web page. However, this will make things more complicated. The page cannot be viewed immediately. In order to load the page correctly, you will need copies of various files such as plugins and images. How does the browser receive these files? Make multiple HTTP requests. If the browser does not send these requests, the page component will send. Depending on the number of components on your terminal, these requirements may add up, which may be a problem. and so.

There are two simple reasons why fewer HTTP requests are needed, and why any website should try to reduce the number of HTTP requests it makes. Let’s start with the page load time first. The more HTTP requests your site receives, the longer it will take to load the requested page. For example, a page with 20 HTTP requests loads faster than a page with 70 requests.

The problem is that people don’t want to wait for the website to load. If their pictures or videos do not return, 39% of visitors do not return. As SAG IPL research shows, they cannot be loaded correctly. According to a study by Unbounce, when the website takes too long to load, 45% of respondents did not buy from a retailer. If your website takes too long to load or fails to load at all, you will lose potential customers. Then, let us consider the impact of these lost potential customers on your metrics.

According to Google, when the loading time slows down from 1-3 seconds, the bounce rate will increase by 32%, and worse, poor loading time will affect your SEO ranking. Web pages can reduce page views by 11%, which suggests to Google that your web pages have no value. Think of it this way: if your website doesn’t impress visitors, they won’t buy from you. They will not recommend you to your friends.

Over time, this can result in lower search rankings, fewer visitors, and lower overall conversion rates. What can we get from all this? Well, too many HTTP requests directly affect your KPI and online competitiveness. How to identify unnecessary HTTP requests. Okay, so we understand exactly how HTTP requests work and why we need fewer requests. How do you determine these additional requirements?

After two things are done: determine how many requests are being processed and measure the performance of the website. Set the number of HTTP requests your site will receive. You cannot delete HTTP requests until you know how much your site is receiving.

Fortunately, there are some tools that can help you identify the number. For example, HubSpot’s Website Grader allows you to run a free health check on your website so that you can immediately see how many queries there are. If you are using Chrome, you can also use Chrome DevTools to get the number of HTTP requests. Just right-click the page you want to view, click “View”, and select “Network”. The picture you see looks like this: The page is receiving 112 requests.

If you would like to speak to an expert on HTTP don’t hesitate to get in touch with Mobloggy. Their friendly and professional team will be more than happy to help.

Rebecca Ruck founded Mobloggy® in 2009 to help small businesses get found online.
Mobloggy® offers a holistic approach to digital marketing and web design, utilizing industry tools and its many strategic layers.