May News

What happens when…You don’t consistently post valuable content.

  1. Your Edge Rank suffers
  2. People unlike your page
  3. People hide your content

Consistent, relevant posts increases Edge Rank.
Consistency also means valuable content. You don’t want your fans to hide you or unlike your page because of SPAM-like posts.
Think quality, not quantity.

Our goal is to remain relevant, thoughtful, and continue to build top of mind awareness through posts, cross-promotions, and consistent strategies. Let’s work together to maximize your reach.

What we’re working on…

Posting Times: We’ve been analyzing Facebook data to find the ideal times to post content so we have the best chance of reaching customers and prospects. For example, we have found that posting after work hours on Friday increases views all the way through Saturday.
Pro Tip: Don’t post multiple times in a row. This hurts your Edge Rank on Facebook.

If You Get It, Share It. This is the motto of Social Media Club Vail. We help organize these fun, free, open to all events each month. This month we will celebrate the 10th Anniversary of WordPress. Be sure to become a FAN of Social Media Club Vail for free advice and details on upcoming events. If you are interested in being a club officer or sponsoring an event, please send a message from the Facebook page.

Ask Us! We’re now offering free question/answer time via our Facebook page each month.
LIKE Mobloggy on Facebook and look for a special pinned post to ask your question. If you have a ton of questions, contact us to schedule a Consulting appointment.

As always, we’ll be posting, liking, following, retweeting, commenting, engaging, researching, learning new platforms and strategizing to fit your industry.

Contact Us! If you’d like help managing your social media and internet marketing.

Welcome Rich!
We are excited to welcome apprentice/intern Rich Yasparro.
We look forward to seeing him grow into a Technical Support role at Mobloggy.


Don’t judge him for being a Gators fan.

