Optimal Engagement by Generation

Understanding your target market and their device usage are key to successfully promoting your products and services with optimal engagement.

Here is a quick read on key personality traits and device usage for Millennials, Generation X, and Baby Boomers. Research reveals peaks in the time of day each generation uses devices like tablets and smartphones. Take advantage optimal times to engage with your audience. Don’t forget to focus on creating engaging content and to keep it simple!

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Millenials prefer to use their TVs, desktop, and tablets mainly between 6-9 pm.

Millennials, or Generation Y, are those born roughly between 1980 – 2000. They are more apt to use digital resources than the two generations before them. Millennials grew up in an electronically sophisticated world with rapidly growing online communication. More specifically, social media and online education are two catalysts of the electronic boom. They are typically an ethnically diverse generation that tends to be tolerant of difference and has a “follow your dreams” mantra. 


Focusing on 3-6pm and 9-12am timeframes will help optimize engagement.


Generation X

Generation X is the demographic cohort following the Baby Boomers. Their birth year range is typically between 1960 – early 1980’s. Generation X is sometimes referred to as the “lost” generation or “latch-key kids” due to exposure to daycare and divorce. Because of that, they tend to be more decisive when it comes to decisions that shape their families. Furthermore, Gen X’ers are arguably the best-educated generation and are not typically involved in social issues around them.

Baby Boomers

One optimal engagement time slot for Baby Boomers on smartphones is between 9am-12pm.


Baby Boomers are generally idealistic and ambitious. They are motivated by position, perks, and prestige. This group was born Post-World War II, approximately between 1946 – 1964. When creating content that is engaging, keep in mind that Economic struggles, assassinations of leaders, Civil Rights movements, and war helped shape the typical behaviors of Baby Boomers. It is noteworthy that they tend to have a focus on self-help for resolving problems. They also tend to be more skeptic when it comes to media and instructions.



For more information on how targeted content can help your business contact Mobloggy.

Sources: whatis.techtarget.com, wikipedia.com, socialmarketing.org, poynter.org
