Quick Ways to Boost SEO

In our last post, we talked about how important Usability is for your website and your Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Without a Usable website, it doesn’t matter what else you do, your SEO will suffer. That’s why it might be a good idea to find someone who might be able to help you with your website, if this is an idea that appeals to you then can check out someone like this Whitehat SEO, to show you what can be done to help. But once you have a working site, what are the next steps? Here are five things you can do that will help.

Use Video

Have you noticed that everything from your Facebook feed to the ads in the mall contain video? Videos are not only more engaging to the audience, but search engines rank sites with varied content more highly than those without. But remember, no one wants to sit through a twenty-minute dissertation while shopping for shoes! Keep your videos short and content rich, encouraging your readers to stay for the entire show. Then you get the added bonus of a longer stay, improving how search engines rank you!

Internal Links

Search engines track the links within your website; are they working, where do they go, and if your visitors stay at the landing site or ‘bounce’ back to the preceding page? We already know that the links need to work, but how can a search engine track where each link leads? In short, it reads the text! So if your link is Click Here, it means nothing to the search engine. But, if you rename your link to describe the ultimate destination, such as Sizing Guide or Contact Us, the search engine knows not only that you have a working link, but that ABC Outfitter’s Sizing Guide is there too. Then when your customer searches for it, that page will come up!

Outbound Links

In addition to having good links internally, it is important to have outbound links to authority sites. Linking to other credible pages tells the search engine that your site is also credible and good match for similar search terms. Making sure your links are renamed with keyword rich titles will give you an added boost as well.

Social Content

The use of social media as an advertising platform is old news. But referencing your social media accounts and the published content not only boosts your website but will also boost your social media pages as well. Many companies now hold the top two or three returns in searches between their website and various social media accounts! Make sure your social media content is engaging and relevant and you will begin to create an SEO ecosystem that supports your brand.

Local Information

Last, but certainly not least, is local content. If you’re unaware of how important local SEO is and how your business can implement it, having a look at this link could help you out a bit. Entrepreneur.com highlighted just how important in this article on Local SEO. With the ever increasing prevalence of mobile and wearable devices, searches are becoming hyper-local. Already, the majority of mobile searchers are seeking local results. Making sure that your address is present and correct across all your platforms is the first step. Then, consider running local promotions with images or video to increase your exposure. If you have multiple locations across the city or even across the country, take time to highlight each one as you keep your content updated and your rankings will increase. For the single location business, make sure you frequently mention the street name, town and other local references to keep your local ties strong.

Hopefully, these tips can help you get started as you work to be seen first!
