Take control of your online presence with our full-service marketing team. We are now proud partners of SinglePlatform. That is why we are now proud partners of SinglePlatform. Mobloggy’s marketing team can help you set up, manage and monitor your SinglePlatform account. We can put your menus, prices, specials and more in your customer’s hands when and where they’re searching. How do we do it? SinglePlatform helps us publish your information (or content) everywhere that matters. They are a trusted content partner of big players like Google, Yelp, TripAdvisor, and Foursquare, as well as more food-focused search sites like Zagat, OpenTable, and Zomato.
Mobloggy & SinglePlatform working together to provide full-service marketing success.
Are our SinglePlatform services right for your business? It works best for selling services or consumables. Spas, restaurants, gyms, dispensaries, studios…
Here’s how it works: We take your menu of services or products and put it on the most important sites and apps across the web working through SinglePlatform. This allows new customers to find your business first. With SinglePlatform, we can update your menus, specials, photos and announcements. We can set you up and manage your business’ online presence from one single spot.
Before SinglePlatform… “I used to update everything by hand, but now it would be impossible for me to know all the places where my menu pops up. Without SinglePlatform, it would be impossible for me to keep up.” -Janet
More restaurant success stories
Take control of your online presence with the help of Mobloggy’s customer success representatives.
One way to take control is by enhancing scheduled listings. The listings will be published across SinglePlatform’s expansive network of top search engines, mobile apps and review sites.
Additionally, the comprehensive analytic suite can show you where and how new customers find you. Your lists of services or menus will be easier for search engines to find because, with Singleplatform, we can create lists that are not PDF’s. Meaning the lists can be crawled for specific keywords by search engines, therefore putting you above the competition. We all know that choosing where to dine (for example) and what to order starts long before a customer walks through your doors. SinglePlatform puts your information on the top sites and apps people use to make service decisions. More on this new service
Sources: http://searchnetworking.techtarget.com/info/news, http://www.singleplatform.com/restaurants/