Top 10 Ways To Create Content Your Customers Want (Part 2 of 2)

10 Powerful Ways To Create Social Media Content

In our last post we talked about ways to create content customers want. We went over 5 of the best practices for creating content and brainstorming ideas. In this post we will discuss five more equally important ways to keep your blog full of great content that will keep your customers/readers coming back.


  1. Ask experts what they think is “the future” for your niche. Getting input from known, respected experts is a great way to gain credibility, especially when your own practices mirror what the experts say. Compile a list of questions and answers from your interviews and create a post with your own thoughts on the subjects. Keeping up with trends and forecasts for your niche will solidify (or help you gain) your status as a Subject Matter Expert (SME).
  2. Look at your own posts and create summaries such as “Top Articles of Year”. You can even do this quarterly. This is a great way to create content and get more exposure for your other content. By linking your other posts when referencing them you make it easy for the readers to check out other parts of your site. Keeping your readers on your site longer puts them one step closer to buying. Also, some of your employees are probable already blogging on your topical areas. Ask them if you can syndicate their posts. You can even use any research reports you have released. Just summarize the key points and provide a link to the original content.
  3. As a leader and Subject Matter Expert, you are (or you should present yourself as) the authority in your niche. This means you are regularly reading up on your niche. Identify a recommended reading list of books that will help you customers. Showing your concern for your readers education can go a long way; your customers will respect you for it.
  4. Get in on the conversation! The most popular blogs in your niche probably get hundreds of comments per post. Many times the authors don’t have time to respond directly to such a large volume of comments and questions. This is a golden opportunity for you. Find a post with a subject in which you have expertise and reply directly in the comment thread with a helpful response to the commenter’s question. Now, take the question from the comment and your answer and create a blog post with that content. If you continue to answer questions on these industry blogs, you’ll begin to be recognized as a Subject-Matter Expert. As an added bonus your blog will be filled with great content for your readers!
  5. Check out Bottlenose. This tool will help you discover what’s trending in social media in real time.

    Bottlenose provides live social intelligence for marketers by analyzing activity across all the major social networks. Use it to search, monitor, analyze, target, and engage in real-time.

Do you use any other tactics in creating new content? Leave a comment and let us know!  Here’s Part 1 of 2 in case you missed it!

Contact Mobloggy if you need help with content creation on your website. We’ll be happy to help you with your social media too.
