Twitter is #awesomesauce

You can find a whole lot of “Vail” Valley love from all over the world when you search the popular keyword on Twitter.  Careful who you quote or reply to as there are people who amusingly spell “veil” wrong and use “vail” instead.  More locals on Twitter mean better marketing opportunities for businesses to get the word out to social media savvy tourists.  It may sound backwards, but real people drive business, not necessarily business personas, unless they are #realpeople driving that Twitter stream.  There are a ton of local business and information type of Twitter accounts for a later list, but keep in mind, it’s the locals who will ReTweet (RT) that information using well known hash tags(#) like #vail.

It’s not enough anymore to just have a presence on Twitter.  If you’re a business you must be willing to provide customer service, give the latest information on your business, and offer incentives to the online community so they continue to follow and praise you.

As a person on Twitter, if you represent your business on your profile, you become a reflection of your company.  So the same rules apply, normally minus the incentives.  If you represent “just yourself” and only tweet about the world as you see it, you become the “word of mouth” so many businesses seek.  The importance of where you are dining or skiing tonight can change the plans of others and encourage businesses to market to you.

  • How to “make the list” of good, local accounts to follow:
  • š Help others find you on Twitter, fill in your profile and location.
  • š Tweet more than once a week.
  • š Make sure your tweets aren’t always one-sided (RSS feeds, no replies).
  • š Share your list of favorite, local Twerps/Tweeps/Twits/Tweethearts with others.
  • š Encourage more locals to start tweeting.
  • š Replies to others within 24 hours.

Tip to Tweet:  Find a business who will host a TweetUp.  When Tweeps meet in person, they will engage even more online. #vail #realpeople

Need help to market your business on Twitter? –  sign up for our class on 11/11/10 in Avon, Colorado:
Twitter  – Cause & Effect Marketing for more details.

