Using SlideShare Marketing for more Exposure and Revenue

SlideShare marketing is a great tool to use for more exposure and revenue. SlideShare gets about 60 million visits and analytics monthly. Most websites do not get that! As a result, SlideShare means business. It can be used for research, stats, trends, social media and marketing for your business. SlideShare has evolved video, photo and word document sharing.

SlideShare targets buyers and allows you to structure content for your customer. You can produce content through new ideas since there is not a format specific structure. It is totally customizable! You can take the extra 10% effort to customize your design to the correct visual format you are looking for.

On SlideShare, distributing content is huge. There is a big on-site audience and major search traffic. You can embed a player, use HTML 5 and widgets for social sharing. You can then promote this content by connecting directly with influences and using social power.

SlideShare is all done through analytics. By seeing what is trending, looking at charts and analyzing the geography where certain content is becoming more popular. A business can understand exactly how they should be marketing their product by using this resource.  A company can then use a lead form to gain feedback from its clients. A lead form’s length matters. Use these guidelines for the best results:

  • Ask for as little info as possible.
  • Get location of form to be able to get in touch. This is better to ask at the end of the form.
  • Never use mandatory requests (or vary sparingly)
  • Remove for ‘above the funnel’ content
  • Promote easy sign-up for recurring communication.
  • Decide if you are going to be linking out or staying on-site.
  • Use integration.

Remember, social media is taking over the world! Do not hesitate to use it in the fullest possible way! LinkedIn is a very important social media tool. It is a professional publishing and connecting platform. You want interaction, comments and likes on LinkedIn since there is a lot of potential for trending on this social site. Take advantage of being able to customize your posting comments for each group. Do not re-post the page descriptions, customize these and send them to individuals sparingly. Use the Twitter button for your LinkedIn posts to be sure you are getting maximum social media exposure.

As always you want to stay up to date with all content and social media platforms. Social media is an ongoing educational platform. If you need help or have questions Mobloggy is here for you!
